And So...

From the last post, when my wife's water broke and the epidural in, the baby didn't seem to like his swimming pool being drained. The nurse started to notice that the baby was experiencing decelerations, which means that the baby is experiencing his heart rate dip for a period of time (it isn't a good thing). These moments of decelerations only occurred during the times when my wife would be having contractions. The heart rate of the baby would bounce back to its normal range once the contraction was over. The nurse notified the doctor immediately. The doctor gave some tricks to see if it is just something that could be fixed easily. However, the tricks did not work. The doctor finally said that we cannot wait any more due to the safety of the baby. So we were sent to the OR for a cesarean section. So during the procedure, I was sitting at the head of the operation table where a curtain separated the sight of where the procedure was being done. I held my wife's hand and gave her words of encouragement and kept on asking her if she was ok. In what seem like a split second, the doctor told me to look over the curtain, and I see the doctor pulling out the baby. And so... ENZO was born at 10:46am. He weighed 9lbs. 2oz. and measured to be 21 inches long.
More Pictures to come!
