The Next Chapter

First of all I would like to say a very big THANK YOU! to everybody that has been reading our blogs; we really appreciate it and are hoping you are enjoying the read!

Anyways, Today was our first full day with baby Enzo. Overall, the baby has been very good and relatively quiet (I know I probably jinxed myself). Wifey has been trying to breastfeed the baby, but we found out that she currently isn't producing any milk and the baby is having difficulty latching. Wifey still tries to have the baby latch even though she isn't making any milk just yet for practice and was told eventually through the latching it will promote milk production. Besides that, Enzo loves to be held instead of being left in the bassinet. My wife is healing just fine from her c-section. She is getting up and walking around and could possibly take home baby Enzo and my wife. As for myself, I am nervous yet excited for this next chapter of our lives. Thankfully, my mom will be around to help us as we make this transition. Until the next post! Again thank you to everybody for coming along the ride with us more to come!
