Update on Delivery Part 3

So we have made some major progress! Last night, my wife started to dilate more; unfortunately, she had more painfull contractions. She was not quite dilated enough to have an epidural. Around 1am, she then dilated to 2cm. Doctor was notified of the situation at that point the doctor had ordered the dreaded pitocin. For those unfamiliar with pitocin, it is a medication that essentially helps speed up the process; therefore, causing the contractions to be more intense and frequent than normal. Once that medication was started, I was doing my best to help my wife get through the contractions by rubbing her back and give her encouraging words. Wifey tried to tolerate the contractions, but the doses for the pitocin had to increase every so often to get the contractions more closer together. So at a certain point, my wife could not stand the pain to the point where she almost cried. At this point she was dilated to 3cm and classified as "in labor". That is when she threw in the towel and asked if she could have an epidural. Around 7am, she got that epidural in and everything was so much better for her. Once having the epidural kick in, she naturally dilated to 4cm. About 30 minutes later, the doctor thought it would be a good idea to help things along by breaking her water. So now we are nearing closer to the birth of our baby. Thankfully, my wife is able to rest and get a decent amount of sleep thanks to the epidural because she is going to definitely need all her energy when it comes time to push the baby out! Next time I update this blog, the baby will be here!
